hello! to start off.....i had nothing to do and was bored and i see people i know doing blogs about their *coughcoughStuffscoughcough*
well i am drunk(not really) on coke while i was doing this and i am a coke addict and :p
and yes...i know that my blog has long titles which at some point suits the meaningless theme haha..ehem so why do i like coke? it gives me the chilling feeling and its just like drinking mineral water only it tastes good
heres a hot and i mean hot girl (it makes heat melt?)

WARRIORS OF OROCHI ASSEMBLE! nah...i dont like her when shes with orochi but what the hell shes nice in orochi 2 (and damn i dont have number 2 which i would be the 1st happiest person to have it!)
good night for now
Yours Trully
some dude
hey dude...where's the beautiful girl? i don't like this one..she maybe a beauty but she's all evil inside...that makes her cold not hot...have fun blogging..